Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mom's Book

Here it is...Annie's Creek by Sandra Park (aka Mom).  Go read it!  You'll like it!!!!  So proud of you, Mom!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ahhwwww, Mom....

Here they are, the Easter Pics. Yes, they are forced (and I did have to hear my fair share of "Ahhhwww, moms" and get the look of "seriously" from Alan) but they actually turned out pretty good this year. We even got a decent family picture out of the bunch. We had a great Easter in San Antonio with Alan's family and Marisa. Lesson of the Day: Keep taking might have 5,000,000 bad ones but it's all worth it if you get 1 great one. Memories should be preserved, because the memory fades.
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