Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Down in the Dumps Day

Okay, I really bored.  (Mom, I know you probably have tons of stuff I can do so I won't be bored...at least you always did when I was a kid, and that saying "I'm bored" is borderline cursing.)  Believe me, I've got plenty of stuff I need to do (my house needs to be cleaned, the guest bedroom has a huge pile of hand-me-downs I need to go through, I've got a ton of AWANA junk I need to deal with, I need to get the printer fixed so I can print Z's thank you cards, just to name a few), I just don't feel like doing anything...which means...boredom in my world.   I just feel like moping around.  I think it's that we've been so busy all year, especially the first month of summer, that I'm having the post excitement let down.  Or maybe it's that I've been thinking a lot about how fast life is moving and sometimes I feel like I'm left on the bench watching it spin around and I want to slow it down but can't.  Where did the last five years go?  Why does stress seem to make the years fly by faster and when it subsides you feel like you've missed something?  What a funk I've been in!!!  I just need to get over it!  Lesson of the day:  "Be still and know that I am God!"  Need I say more... 

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