Friday, February 18, 2011

Don't mess with what my Mama says!!!

J has this friend that Alan and I are not too fond of.  I don't know, there was just something about him that has always bothered us and sent up the red flags.  He's always been polite and they have a great time playing.  He's the type of kid that would rather run and play than sit at a computer or in front of a TV.  We like that but we have never trusted him.  At first I thought he was the Eddie Haskel type...parent kiss-up but always up to something mischievous, but we've discovered, this week, it's more of a bullying type of behavior in it's early form.  His behavior is not so much aimed at J but some of their mutual friends. 

Anyway, that's not necessarily the point of this story.  The other day, J came home upset because this boy was acting like a "jerk" (J's words) at lunch.  This immediately caught my attention because of what I said above and because J doesn't call people names especially ones so harsh (for him).  He said this boy was making fun of him and harassing him because he wouldn't, as J put it, "say OMG but the real words."  This boy mocked him and harassed him saying, "Why won't you say it?" (I can just hear the mocking voice he used.) Finally J said very proudly, "Leave me alone!  I'M NOT GOING TO SAY IT!  My Mama told me I'm not allowed to say that and I AM NOT GONNA TO DISOBEY MY MAMA!!!"

I'm so proud of him!!!  If I could just keep that mentality throughout his teenage years I'd be set. 

Lesson of the Day:  J is a great kid!!!  So thankful God blessed me with a child like him!

Oh, don't worry, we talked about it a lot more, about obeying the Bible (3rd commandment:  watch your not use the Lord's name if vain.), how proud we are of him, and how to continue to handle this kid.  I think he's loaded with enough ammo now and Mama is on high alert.

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