Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day? How about black ice tundra.

My Eskimos checking out the ice covered slide. They REALLY wanted to slide down!

Z standing next to the tree in the front yard that in encased in a thick but invisible layer of ice. 
 She's saying, "Winter!!!!!!!!"
J showing off one of the many melty icicles dripping from Daddy's truck. He thought ice skating in the back end was like hitting the jackpot.

Well, the kids were sorely disappointed when they awakened to a snowless snow day. They were so bummed and so was I. Living in south east Texas, we rarely see the white power and if it gets cold enough, it's normally more like a dirty slushy. But, I bundled the kids up (it's still freezing but starting to drip) and we went outside to explore. The entire area is coated in black ice. It's basically ice you can't see until your slipping around or landing on your tush. Both kids busted it a few times in the back yard but all is tears, just one bruised elbow. Anyway, they thought it was great. So onto a day of indoor play, a little crafting, a lot of hot cocoa, some baking, and one surprise movie (they don't know I picked one up for them yesterday). Hope you have fun and make the most of your day off!!!
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