Monday, August 8, 2011

The Cookie Monster Nightmare...Watch out for your cookies!!!

Last night, we were jarred awake by a blood curdling scream.  I leaped out of bed, dashed to the Ladybug's room, and scooped her into my arms, with Daddy close behind...another nightmare.  Normally, we pray for protection and peace after a bad dream and then we "take it and throw it out" of her head so she doesn't dwell on it, but last nights dream I found so humorous, I had to capture her version of it on video this morning.  Poor thing, you can tell by the look on her face that it really scared her. 

You might want to turn up the volume.  It's hard to hear since she's telling me in her scared quiet voice.

Oh, by the way...Mommy disclaimer:  I do not give bedtime snacks, especially cookies.

Lesson of the Day:  I guess it sometimes doesn't matter how many little kid scary things we've eliminated from her viewing (hard to do when you have a 9 year old brother, who likes boy shows), she's just at the age where the subconscious can make anything scary.

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