So, obviously my plan to restart my blog years ago didn't happen. Between teenagers, work, health, and a traveling husband, I've stayed a little busy. It's hard to believe how much life has changed over the years. It's also hard to believe it is the year 2020. I mean 20-20, in my brain, has been associated with perfect vision, not a year. The 20's was the decade when my grandparents were born. It was the decade that roared with economic property. I read an article describing Americans in the 20's as in a perpetual good mood with their modern inventions, jazz music, and dancing. It seems crazy that we can now say we are living in the 20's. I wonder how this decade will be referred to years from now. Will the 20's roar again? Will we be in a good mood? Will 2020 lead to our nation seeing clearly rather than continuing to try to see through the fog we are currently in? Will you see things clearly?
I don't make resolutions, because I break them almost instantly, but I do give myself missions, and the year 2020 has me wanting to see things clearly. I want to clearly see the treasure of each day. I want to clearly see the impact of my words, both said and unsaid, and my actions. I want to clearly see the good in people, even when they irritate me. I want to clearly see beyond the surface and see people and situations for who and what they are. I want to clearly see the needs of my children and husband and what my role is for meeting those needs. 2020 is bringing some big changes for the Potater Patch family, so more than anything, I want to clearly see God's will and follow it.
As fast as the years fly by, I want my focus to be clear for the 20's and I wish the same for you.
So cheers to 2020 and perfect vision!
Lesson of the Day: Don't get caught in the fog.
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