Friday, September 10, 2010

First day of Fours

Z's first day of "Fours" Preschool was this past Tuesday. She was so excited to start school. Her teachers. One was J 4 year preschool teacher and we LOVED her. The other is a friend of mine so we couldn't be happier with her teachers. She had a great first week and I'm amazed at the difference between this year and last. Z has grown so much and is able to communicate so much better this year. I got full reports on every detail and a full explanation of what they had learned. Z will be more than ready for kinder next year (sniff...sniff). Funny story, yesterday, J and I were practicing his spelling words at dinner and Z decided to participate. She made J and I laugh so much. She would either try to spell the word (which was pretty impressive) or she would watch J and as he was saying the letters, she would say them really quick to act like she knew what they were. So every time J got them right I would say, "Good Job, J and Z." That would make J roar with laughter and Z beam. Such nuts...I figure its nothing but good for her. Lesson for the Day: Soak up even the littlest moments.
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