Saturday, June 25, 2011

Jesus is not a villain!!!

At lunch today, the kids were talking about the VBS songs since I had the CD playing in the background (This past week was our VBS).  I wasn't paying much attention until they started arguing.  I clued in right about the time Z repeated in her "totally put out, you are an idiot, completely unacceptable" voice, "It does too, J______!  It says Jesus is a villain! That's what they sing.  That's how I know this song!"  J right back to her said, "Z_____, Jesus is not a villain.  A villain is aways the bad guy and Jesus is definitely not a bad guy.  He's a good guy!.....Mom, Z says this song calls Jesus is a villain!"  I respond, "Jesus is not a villain.  I'm sure you have the words wrong."  Z:  "But, Mommy, it really does say he's a villain. I've been singing it all week."  So, I sit down to listen to the song.

Come to find out.  Jesus is not a villain.  The song says, "God has called us all to be part of fulfilling the mission of His heart."  But, I can totally see where villain came from.  I guess we've watched too many shows with villains or something.

Lesson of the Day and Moral of this story:  They may think they know the words after singing them a million times but Oh my, they sometimes have it SO wrong.

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