Saturday, June 25, 2011

What did I do this week?

I was one of the mission leaders.  That's me WAY up there on the stage.  We would teach and explain crafts  for up to 750 kids per day in three different sessions.

I seriously think that if I could find a job where I taught large groups like this all the time, I'd love it!
This week was our highly anticipated VBS. I really believe we do VBS like no other church and I say that with the voice of experience. I have worked VBS at least 4 different churches and 3 of those being very large "mega"type churches. Our church, by far, has this down to an art form. The week before VBS, the entire church starts it's transformation process into whatever the theme is for the year. This year was "Big Apple Adventure," so the halls became city streets, the classrooms became scenes from around New York City like Central Park. There were Statues of Liberty, hot dog stands, taxi cabs, and skyscrapers created from a variety of materials throughout our campus. Our K-Zone (where I was) was turned into Grand Central Station (I wish you could see our super cool information booth, clock and all, in the back of the building), and the list goes on and on. Then, when we are all good and tired, it's time for the kids to come; so we drink our coffee, pump ourselves up, and get excited. One thousand children converge on our campus ready to go. They learn bible stories and truths, they are entertained, they hear about missionaries around the world, they create crafts, they play games, they make friends, they have a LOT of fun, and bring glory to God! It is a phenomenal experience and although I'm always tired at the end, I always have the VBS high. Since I've been at our church, I always end the week with one thought, "That was a GREAT VBS!!!".
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