Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Can someone please hit the easy button for me?

I'm so tired, exhausted really, mentally and physically.  I actually didn't know you could be this whipped and I have so much more to do and to remember.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Banana Bread Sunday

Mmmmmmmm, can't you just smell the goodness?!
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Monday, August 22, 2011

BIG BIG BIG Day for the Potater Patch!!!

The First Day of School for all 3 of Us
(J-4th Grade, Mommy-3rd Grade, Z-Kinder)

I ran down to drop Z off in her kindergarten classroom.
Good thing I had to run back to my door to greet students or I might have cried my
eyes out.  My baby in kindergarten!
Here she is with her teacher Miss Sands.  She picked out her outfit.
J-Man's First Day of 4th Grade
Isn't he a cutie?!  He fixed his own hair.

We all had a good but crazy day.  But to end the day, one of the most
exciting parts was not only did one little miss have her first day of kindergarten
but she also lost a big front tooth.  Even her big brother said,
"She is too cute with that tooth missing!"

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

It's been quite a while...

I will update soon but right now I'm in the chaos of returning to full time teaching and getting the kids ready for school (Z for the first time). 

It's just a little crazy around here. Once things settle down, I'll fill you in on what's been going on in the Potater Patch.

I will tell you this: My brain is tired, my body is tired, and my feet crave flip-flops.  But, I'm getting excited about next week!
Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Cookie Monster Nightmare...Watch out for your cookies!!!

Last night, we were jarred awake by a blood curdling scream.  I leaped out of bed, dashed to the Ladybug's room, and scooped her into my arms, with Daddy close behind...another nightmare.  Normally, we pray for protection and peace after a bad dream and then we "take it and throw it out" of her head so she doesn't dwell on it, but last nights dream I found so humorous, I had to capture her version of it on video this morning.  Poor thing, you can tell by the look on her face that it really scared her. 

You might want to turn up the volume.  It's hard to hear since she's telling me in her scared quiet voice.

Oh, by the way...Mommy disclaimer:  I do not give bedtime snacks, especially cookies.

Lesson of the Day:  I guess it sometimes doesn't matter how many little kid scary things we've eliminated from her viewing (hard to do when you have a 9 year old brother, who likes boy shows), she's just at the age where the subconscious can make anything scary.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Best Friend Trip

Best friends since they were around one year old and still going strong.

Trouble comes in 3's when these 3 are together.  I love, love, love this picture!

Our wild bunch minus the napping baby.  If you only knew how many pictures I took to get this one blurry but somewhat decent picture of the 5 of them.
Last week, the kids and I made a trip to see our best friends the Littletons. We had a great time....crazy as usual but fun! Here's a few of the pics. Next time I have to get one of Carey and me too. It's always nice to have friends that you just pick up right where you left time doesn't pass between visits.

On our way home, we stopped to see Thomas and Nocona (my little brother and his family)...yet again...another wild time. He has a great place with a fantastic yard. I'm impressed with his and Nocona's craftiness when it comes to repurposing pretty much anything they can get their hands on. It was fun to see my youngest niece and nephew in their own environment. My nephew is a hoot! Wish I had taken pictures! Thomas' blog is listed on the side under "Trapped in the City Life". It's worth checking out if you want to see some of his projects.

Lesson of the Day: Great friends and sweet family make long car trips worth it!
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Monday, August 1, 2011

It's official!!!

I received the official call this morning.  I am the new 3rd grade ELA teacher at Winborn.  Funny how life sometimes comes full circle.  Ten years ago, I was starting my last full time year teaching at the same school, same grade, same subject, and one classroom over than where I'll be this year.  Boy has life changed since has been enriched by years of love, kids, lots of laughter, struggles, fun times and I could go on forever.

God has been crazy good to me.  I was so lost this spring when our school district laid off so many teachers because this had been "my plan" to go back to teaching for years.  Well, God definitely had to let me know that this was His plan and not mine and all His doing.  I got a huge lesson in trust, humility, and patience.  All things do work together for good for those who love the Lord.  Can't believe I'm not only going to be teaching again but exactly where I so hoped to be.

Lesson of the Day:  God's plan:  Can't rush it but you gotta trust it! (my new motto)

Hey, T, after our conversation the other day, check it out...we have a super hero them this year.