Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Coffee...coffee...need coffee!

I haven't had coffee in 2 days.  I need to find a Starbucks.

Friday, July 22, 2011

What's that you say? What's that big pile of envelopes????

That would be the 23 envelopes that go with the 47 jobs I have applied for with our local school district.  Yes, much to my shock and awe, you cannot just email in a copy of your letter of interest and resume (even though you've already filled out one of the longest online applications in history), you must print and mail them.  I got pretty tickled last night when my first thought was "how old fashioned!"  I mean, isn't this what we were taught to do?  Isn't this the "proper" way to apply for a job?  Well, I broke a few rules...no resume paper (too expensive for the 75+ pieces I needed), I think I might have forgotten to sign a few letters (I blame email...I'm out of the habit), and I have a hard time droning on about how great I am (goes against my grain) so my letter was pretty brief.  I also had to reprint almost ever letter due to the fact that I originally wrote it to be sent by email so the wording was a little off for snail mail.  Anyway, hours later I am finally finished...I just have to get to the post office in the morning and send my precious letters off to their new homes.

Lesson of the Day: Proof read, then proof read again, then proof read again, then get someone else to proof read, and then do it one more time just to make sure.  It'll save you from kicking yourself later on!

Oh, by the way, interview #2 went well.  Should hear something by the end of next week.  Thanks for the prayers!  In case you were wondering why so many resumes, I'm just not counting any chickens before they're hatched.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Yummy and cute!!!

Check it out! My super sweet mother-in-law Susan recently sent me some very cool cookie cutters. She knows how I love to give yummy treats as gifts and thought these would be right up my alley and they are. The cookie cutters have grooves to insert letters to make any phrase you want. The picture was a trial run on a batch of cookies I was already making (Old Fashion Sour Cream Cookies=Yummy). Next time I'll use a cookie recipe that doesn't rise so much and I might add food coloring to the mix. Here's the link to the cutters and you can see the cuteness potential:  Williams Sonoma Message Cookie Cutters

Lesson of the Day: Everybody likes a cookie so bake up a batch and make someone feel special today.
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Pray for me today!

Today, at 2PM I have an interview for a 3rd grade ELA position at my kids school.  Whoo-hoo!!!  I'm pretty nervous already (which is somewhat unusual...normally that doesn't start until right before).  I think it's because the principal said there will be lots of familiar faces there, which means people I've taught with in the past and J's teachers from last year.  They know me, so for some reason that makes
it weird for me...maybe because they'll know if I'm B-S-ing my way through a question (sorry mom...couldn't think of a more polite way to say it).  Anyway, it could also be because I REALLY want this job.  This is what I've been hoping and praying for.  But with that said, I'm willing to go where God wants me.  I've been informed that an offer for an 8th grade ELA position that I interviewed for earlier this summer is on it's way...pending HR approval.  So anyway, be praying today!  Pray I do well, that I don't get too nervous, that I represent God and myself in the best light possible, and that if this is the right position they let me know right away.  Thanks, my friends!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Christmas in July

Every summer, one of my favorite things to do is work on a Christmas video from the previous Christmas.  Here's this years.  Enjoy!

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Making of a Mermaids

A LONG time ago, when Z was still saying she wanted a mermaid birthday party, I found this mermaid making kit on clearance at HomeGoods (If you haven't been there you are really missing out...bargain city) and threw it into the abyss (the under-the-stairway closet). Anyway, I forgot all about this gift. Someone changed their birthday to a surfing theme and I became totally focused on making a super splashtastic surfer girl party. Finally remembered about it and today, since Z and I have claimed it to be Mommy Camp*,  Z made Mandy the Mermaid. She had to be very patient...required lots of mommy cutting and craft glue drying, but we finally finished.  Z is very proud of her creation. If you ever see a 4M Doll making kit, might be a good summer project for you and your girl.

Oh, totally different plug: Check Z's hair in the pic. Goody Stay Put barrettes: they really do stay put. Great buy when growing out bangs and they're really cute.

*Mommy Camp:  I'll explain in a later post.

Lesson of the Day: I'm glad I couldn't find the glue gun today (no telling where it walked off to). It was more fun having help from little sticky/gluey fingers.
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